Sunday, July 26, 2015

Mrs. Mondragon's 2015-2016 Supplies List

6th grade Language Arts/Social Studies Recommended Supplies List 

1. Plenty of pencils
2. Blue or black pen(s)
3. 1 red pen
4. Highlighters and more highlighters :)
5. 2 spiral notebooks (highly prefer Five Star College Ruled 3 subject) MUST have TWO separate notebooks because Social Studies notebooks will be turned in at least 5 times during the school year, and you will need the Language Arts notebook when Social Studies Notebooks are turned in for grading.
6. Glue sticks
7. Crayons/markers
8. One 2-3 inch binder for ALL subjects
9. 1 divider for Social Studies and 1 divider for Language Arts
10. Erasers
11. Scissors
12. Pouch to put supplies
13. 1 Warm Up Folder (provided by teacher
14. Expo marker (optional)
15. Clear Cover Sheets (optional)

Helpful Technology Apps and Tools for Student and Parent Cell Phone/Computer 

* We will spend the second Friday of school to organize all binders, so please make sure to come to class with your supplies. Please let me know in advance if you are unable to obtain these supplies so I can help you. Thank you! :)

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